Macedonia Research Papers

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Macedonia Research Paper Introduction It’s a warm summer day in Macedonia you’re family is all packed on the couch to watch the national team play. There is 1 minute left and the ball is whipped into the penalty box, and the Macedonian legend Aleksandar Trajkovski scores you’re whole family then starts screaming. Well that’s what you would do if you lived in Macedonia. Macedonia is one of the newest countries in the world but it has still been a very ancient civilization. It is located in the Southeast of Europe and its capital city is Skopje. Macedonia has unique qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events. Geography, Climate, and Location At first let's begin with Macedonia’s vivid climate, mountainous …show more content…

It’s main religion is Orthodox Christianity. It even states this in the book Cultures Of The World Macedonia “About 70% of all Macedonians are Orthodox” (Knowlton). This show that it is very current. On the other hand a way it shows it is very ancient is by showing what they wear, in an article called Macedonians it states, “They wear garments made of coarse and tightly woven yarn” (No Author could be found). This shows they still make their own clothes. Away that show they are ancients is that they have like ancient China where a person controls all and has a handful of people to help …show more content…

Its currency is the Macedonian Denar. In the CultureGrams it states that the main crops are tobacco, grapes, fruit, eggs, milk, vegetables, “Major crops include grapes, tobacco, vegetables, fruits, eggs, and milk.” (CultureGrams). They export these things along with other things. In an article I found it states that Macedonia is the 116th largest exporting country, “Macedonia is the 116th largest export economy in the world and the 61st most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index” (Author Could Not Be Found). In the same article it stated, “Other things they export include Lead Ore, Copper Ore, and knitted clothes” (Author Could Not Be

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