Macbeth Research Paper

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“Macbeth” Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays and, to this day, it is still one of the most widely read literary pieces worldwide. He makes this play so intense and interesting by incorporating so many plot twists, which keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to read more. While watching his plays live in theater their costumes are filled with magnificent details and so is the scenery. However, in the actual text, Shakespeare leaves out many details concerning the costumes and scenery, which leaves ample room for the reader to imagine the play in their own way. This also allows the designer for each production to design the play the way he envisioned it, making each play a unique experience each time it is seen. Modifications …show more content…

The first one is when Macbeth and Banquo visit the three witches, and they tell Macbeth that he will soon be named Thane of Cawdor and, later, named the king. They then told Banquo that he himself will not be a king but he will be the father to future kings. Almost immediately, Macbeth’s prophecy is fulfilled, which makes him very overconfident about becoming the king one day. It is this sense of overconfidence and envy, as well as Macbeth’s rash decisions, that become his downfall. Another, smaller conflict occurs after Macbeth hires hit men to kill Banquo and his son, but his son escapes, making Macbeth nervous about people finding out that he killed King Duncan. Some of the themes depicted in this play are envy, overconfidence, and death, all of which are themes in other Shakespearean plays as well. This play teaches an important lesion and that is just because something is your destiny doesn’t mean you have to rush it and make it happen now, because that’s what Macbeth did and it ruined many families and relationships which ended up with his death. So, the main lesion I took from this play is to be patient and let the good things come to …show more content…

I think this play best fits the fifteen to sixteen hundred eras rather than the twelve hundred where Shakespeare placed it because, as I was reading the play, I envisioned it more in the Renaissance era and not the twelve hundred Medieval eras. While designing the all of the witches’ scenes in the play, I would have the scene placed outside or in a cave. I will also have the stage dimly lit so the background is really dark so you can see the outlines of old rugged trees with Spanish hanging moss all over them. There will also be some jagged rocks circling a small fire, and I would also have spooky algae green fog drifting along the stage, with some white lights shining on the stage so you can just see the main characters. However, during the scenes where Macbeth is having the Duncan over for dinner I will have the stage brightly lit up with incredible details. There will be big stone walls surrounding the stage acting as the walls of Macbeth’s house. There will also be a beautiful red velvet carpet with a huge dinner table in the middle of the stage surrounded by hand carved wooden chairs, and the table would to be filled end to end with the freshest food for the king and his company. Further, for some side decorations, I will have some animal pelts hanging on the backs of some of the chairs. As a whole, the lines of the set would be fairly soft and

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