Macbeth As An Aristotelian Tragedy

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An Aristotelian tragedy is one in which the protagonist’s downfall is due to a fatal flaw. From the Greek perspective, this flaw usually involves ‘hubris,’ or the belief that the protagonist is fated to overcome everything and anything. Another plot development that is required is when something unexpected occurs and sends him or her on a totally different trajectory. When one of these becomes the reason for the character’s demise, the story fits the Aristotelian tragedy form. However, most usually the protagonist is seen as a hero. The audience sympathizes with the protagonist and shares his fears or at least pities him or her. William Shakespeare created a great number of Aristotelian tragedies within his works, yet Macbeth is not one of them. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth does not follow the Aristotelian tragedy form because Macbeth is an anti-hero that goes through the motions of the Aristotelian Tragedy. Shakespeare’s genius in Macbeth is to take someone that the audience does not sympathize with initially--nor respect as a role model--and put him through the same experiences a hero would encounter in a tragedy—therefore revealing even more about ‘everyman’ and forcing the audience to experience the pity that they would not normally feel. In this sense, Macbeth is the tragedy in every person’s life as they struggle to make decisions about ‘success’ vs. doing what is ‘morally right.’
The temptation Macbeth faces can be seen as his willingness to believe and defend his ‘manifest destiny’ to become King as has been fated by the three witches and the manipulations of his wife, Lady Macbeth. Although Macbeth knows the difference between right and wrong, his ‘moral compass’ fails him in the face of these temptations to fulfill ‘his...

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...e. In Shakespeare’s clever manipulation of the Tragedy format, Macbeth’s own ambition is not the reason for his ultimate failings. Instead, blame should be directed towards his wife’s ambition, the three witches prophecies, and his own susceptibility to believing whole-heartedly in the prophecy. (Actually, it is actually easier to see his wife, Lady Macbeth as the true Aristotelian tragedy of Macbeth. Her ambition is her fatal flaw and she is responsible for the deaths of herself, Macbeth, Banquo and King Duncan.) Ultimately, what makes Shakespeare’s Macbeth so relevant through the centuries is the question of developing an internal ‘moral compass’ to guide one through life or depending on the influences from your environment to set your path. In an age of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Shakespeare’s Macbeth points to the tragedy that can be part of all our lives.

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