MK Asante's Buck Summary

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An analysis of Voiceless in MK Asante’s Buck through a Post Colonialism Theoretical Framework
In MK Asante’s Buck, you’ll notice many life related issues, such as the main character, Malo getting into problems and having many issues with his family. People who struggled and been through many challenges in life, will understand every issue the characters experienced. I’ve felt like I didn’t have a voice once in my life, which was when I faced one of my biggest fears, that I thought I would never get over. Losing my mother was one of the hardest experiences I’ve ever had to face, felt like my identity was stripped from me. The purpose of this essay is to examine the theme of “voiceless” in the MK Asante’s Memoir, Buck, through a post colonialism theoretical framework in regards to Malo, his mother, and Uzi. In the beginning, Ma-lo, the author, starts to talk about Philadelphia and the relationship between his brother Uzi and himself. Uzi could roll a blunt with his eyes, said Ma-lo. ”Another perfect blunt, jawn looks like a paintbrush”, was what …show more content…

It’s upsetting her the most because this is the time when she really needed someone to be there for her about something that really fascinates her. She talks about how she loves to be a teacher and can’t wait to be back at school with her kindergarteners. They’re the only people that she can talk too and will listen. They might not be able to understand any of her problems or disagreements but she knows that they are still listening. This is an example of feeling voiceless, just as Carole was feeling in the book Buck. Malo’s mother was very depressed and felt lonely because no one listened to her, but she had her journey to talk too. She would write in her diary every day and night, when she wanted to get everything off of her chest or needed something to vent

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