Navigating Life as a Functioning Sociopath: A Case Study

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Antisocial attitudes and lack of conscience are the main aspects that define the notorious term, sociopath. This personality disorder may lead to nefarious people, but not all sociopaths are criminals or ensuing criminals. One woman, by the name of M. E. Thomas, is a prime example of a fully functioning sociopath in the real world. She works as a successful law professor and hosts her family and friends; however, she still has the same tendencies as those who share the same condition yet are in prison. As a child, Thomas could not relate to other kids beyond amusement. Others could not become close with her considering she rejected affection and disliked touch. Although, Thomas did seek some physical contact if there was violence involved. Growing up, she detested her father and had an indifferent mother; they failed to notice their daughter’s consistent hints towards her personality disorder. Thomas deceived and stole from people, but she made sure to keep some ties whenever she needed a small favor like a ride home or some money for lunch. She was a risk taker and had a lack of concern for her health and landed in the hospital a handful of times. …show more content…

She believed it was a blessing to be able to comfortably hold eye contact and used the so-called “predator stare” to manipulate others. She proved to be a fantastic lawyer with her cool attitude and lack of guilt. Although this may be true, Thomas was not concerned with the morality of law, only winning the game. Thomas admits that like all sociopaths, she has thought about slitting someone’s throat. Nonetheless, she has never acted upon this thought, even though she does wonder if she would if she was raised in different circumstances or had less to

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