Lysander And Hermia In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

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In this scene, Lysander wants to rest near Hermia but she tells him to back off because they're not married yet. Lysander tries to persuade Hermia, however she's not having it. Lysander becomes a bit deceitful to Hermia when he is in the woods with her. Lysander says Lysander says “ O, take the sense, sweet, of my innocence “ ( 2. 2. 699 ). The diction “ sweet, of my innocence “ suggests that Lysander is trying to give an impression to Hermia that he didn’t mean anything naughty. Further, Lysander says “ Then by your side no bed-room me deny; For lying so, Hermia, I do not lie “ ( 2.2.705 - 706 ). Lysander is being dishonest to her in this scene. When Lysander was in front of Duke Theseus, he dared not say this to Hermia. Lysander demonstrates

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