Lying Is Important

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The one thing that can be made clear in the work place is that if I can’t trust you, I would certainly question your integrity. I would most likely also bring the work you do being that everything we do is also sensitive in nature. The amount of energy it would take for me to investigate what you say and do on a daily basis because I would, would be a waste of time and on the Agencies dime. Not only would I be wasting my time, but I would also be wasting yours as well. By lying it causes conflict in the work place and decreases shop morale, therefore further effecting the mission. My productivity to the mission would decrease, in turn preventing me from being able to perform my daily tasks at an optimal level. Why waste all the time? When we …show more content…

To some it may be the only thing they know how to do. For most it is something that they choose to do. With that being said I do not believe that it is the answer. From a personal standpoint it goes against everything I was raised on. Not only does it go against my morale’s and principles as a man, it also hinders my reputation and the way I want to live my life. I have many plans and aspirations in life that I want to achieve, and lying will not solve any of the issues that may arise in my life. It only shows that I would be allowing my own rationalizations take over what the truth really is. Lying would only push me further away from who I want to be, and where I want to be. As an analyst lying would prevent me from developing and becoming the analyst I want to be. It would push me away from everyone I work with because they wouldn’t want to trust me, what I say, and what I do. Leaving me all by myself with little chance of effective communication. Not only that but it would later make any security issues that may arise in the future become that much more difficult. Being that it is harder to believe someone who may have a history of lying. Lastly and certainly not least as a soldier in the Army. It goes against everything a soldier is. A soldier is taught the meaning of honor and integrity. Lying as a soldier only shows that they lack the intestinal fortitude to own up to the mistakes that they made and the consequences therein. It is never the answer and I won’t allow it to be

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