Lyddie By Katherine Patterson: Character Analysis

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The choices we make affect our future in many ways. In the historical fiction novel, lyddie, by Katherine Patterson, a girl named lyddia worthen is working to pay her family's debt`s at lowell factory. A factory that makes clothing for people. This story takes place in the 1900`s, where factory woman we're going on strike about their work environment, And the woman started making a petition that they`d sign, it would be about their wages, working hours, and environmental problems. While there are many reasons lyddie should not sign there are more reasons why she should! First she & her sister both got sick because of the working conditions. Second, because all of the factory workers are mistreated in many way`s. One reason is that people …show more content…

She asked for a transfer to the drawing room…” Lyddia`s friend, betsy, got sick from the dusty air.“ she began to lie awake listening for the awful sound, until finally, she knew she had to send the child away ~ anywhere, just so she was not breathing this poison air…” Lyddia`s little sister got sick because of the air.Most girls die from sickness, lyddia is lucky she didn't. The weaving room is very dangerouse. The woman who work in the factory are living terribly. “ a girl slipped on the icy staircase in the rush to dinner and had broken her neck in the fall” They should put some salt over the staircase or at least a caution sign. “A man loading finished bolts of cloth onto the railroad cars in the lawrence millyard had been run over and crushed…” The people should put up signs, for everyone's safety. “There we're no deaths at the concord corperation, but one of the irish girls in the spinning room had caught her hair in the machinery and was badly hurt…” The new irish girl, hurt herself while working. The workers in the factory should start ensuring everyone's

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