Lunch Time Research Paper

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During school, many students can’t wait to have lunch because of the time where you get to do what you want and hang out with friends. But, you still have to remember you are in school and there are rules to obey and things to not do. For example, a lot of students mess with other students and their friends by stealing food or tampering with their food. This relates to me because in my freshmen year I saw a lot of people do that during my lunch time. Most often people steal/take food from each other because they forgot their money or that they are still hungry. A story that I remember from my freshman year was when my friends and I were sitting together at a table and some random person I didn’t know came up to me and asked for money, he responded nicely at first and I asked why because I don’t trust strangers. But, after a while he was mad and was yelling a bit and I quickly got scared and said no. So then he just grabbed one of my friend’s chicken nuggets and ran off. …show more content…

A lot of people make this mistake and would get caught by security and pick up after themselves, but most of the time it’s a lack of remembering and look around the table to see if you left anything behind. One story I remember was when my friend hid my other friends backpack and so he went to go find it, but in the middle of the “search” security whistles and lets us go but then one of them saw a food tray on the table and asked whose it was. My friend then responds by pointing at the person who was looking for his bag and got yelled at and had to come back and throw his tray away. He found his bag right after and started yelling at the friend who hid the bag for making him go through

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