Lunar Year Research Paper

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The Moon, the closest astral body to the Earth, revolves around the Earth 13 times a year. The lunar month is the period of one revolution of the moon.
A lunar month can be thought of as the time taken for the moon to revolve around the earth which is 29.5 days. A Lunar Year would be 354.5 (29.5 x 12) days roughly. The mean length of the lunar month lasts 28 days, which if you multiply by 13 gives you 364, 1 day short of a calendar year. Or, the witches year and a day.
New Moon or Dark Moon is when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and therefor hidden. This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. It usually last three and a half days. The Moon's un-illuminated side is facing the Earth. The Moon will not visible

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