Luke Batty Case Paper

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The concept of family violence, tied in with mental illness is highly contentious and arguable. When reading about the Luke Batty case, I was firstly shocked and later confused. The whole situation is terrible and I feel remorse for everyone who was affected, especially Rosie. On the surface this case appears to be black and white, however when you dig deeper there’s a lot more to it.

Rosie suffered for several years due to Greg, dealing with verbal/physical abuse and life threats. Some would question why Rosie stayed with him. From my own experiences, I have a witnessed a friend who was in a relationship, arguably similar to the one that Rosie and Greg shared. He was verbally abusive and extremely manipulative and controlling. My friend, …show more content…

In Greg’s case, I don’t think he had this and I don’t think that Rosie was strong enough to force Greg, as she feared his reaction. I think that Rosie did everything she could do to try and get help to protect her family when getting intervention orders and making reports to the police. This required braveness and courage. When put into the hands of the police, it makes me question why the police didn’t do anything to stop him or to prevent this from escalating. I originally shared Appelbaum’s (2003) views when he asks a good question, ‘must authorities charged with protecting public safety wait for violence to occur before intervening?’ However Merkel (1993) shaped and challenged my opinion on this. I originally thought that if someone is dangerous and threatening peoples life, why wouldn’t you just put him or her in prison? I never thought about, is this person a risk to society? How high is the risk they pose? Or how long is their sentence going to be? And if they did go to prison why would they be any different when they came out? Understanding the multi-faceted sides to risk assessment has made me step back and question my opinions. I have never been in a criminal situation or even known someone in one and therefore feel as though my initial response is always one that is naïve and

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