Lower Limb Extremity Movement Essay

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The topic I chose to discuss for this week’s topic of lower limb extremity movements is a lunge. A lunge is classified when the human body has one leg located forward with the knee bent at a 90-degree angle and keeping in line with the foot which is flat on the ground while the other leg is positioned behind, and/or when one leg is out to the side in a similar manor of 90 – degrees and keeping the knee in line with the foot which is flat on the ground, and the other leg stays facing the front. As an alternative, plyometric lunges can be achieved by jumping explosively between lunge positions. A lunge can be performed using bodyweight, dumbbells, a barbell, or kettle bells to increase strength over time and heighten the level of difficulty. Lunges tend to focus on forming and strengthening the hamstrings, quadriceps, and the gluteus maximus muscles. …show more content…

Within this portion of the course, we are looking at the pelvis and hip complex, as well as the knee and ankle regions. The lunge movement encompasses all of these muscles and joints. Furthermore, we can see on page 207 of the reading where the potential of injuring a knee is one of the highest accounting for 25% to 70% of reported injuries (Hamill, J., Knutzen, K. M., & Derrick, T. R. 2015). Thus, this article allows us to dive into the pain and how it effects a lunge movement, and more so, how we can help work with instead of against the pain to help prevent further pain, and or lessen the pain for the future. In turn, I found the article to be very informative and remind me that even a pain within the foot can influence all the way up to the hip, and vice versa. Thus, the complete take I got on this was, to be careful when performing any movement as one mistake could cause a domino effect of injuries. More so, it is important to make sure you listen to your body, and if you are experiencing pain to properly alter the movement as

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