Low Wage Job Benefits

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Living with a low wage job can be very stressful on people and most of us don't even know it. Us, average joes, just go along with our daily lives by working nine to five on the weekdays and get our normal annual salary. On the weekends, we spend time with our children and spend that money on fun stuff to do. We live in a well secure home, we have nice cars, and we have plenty of food to eat. But there are others who aren't as lucky. Some people have to work overtime at a dead end job and still don't have enough money to afford for their family. Others can't even be able to keep their homes. Sometimes they might be able to get a higher paying job, but as a result they are losing precious benefits. We need to be more aware about …show more content…

We have Jean, a grandma who works at a nursing home. She makes about 11.00 dollars an hour which is obviously not enough to support herself and her eight children. We have Barbara, an African American mother who works at a nursing home. She originally made $8.25 an hour but due to her raise, she now makes $11.00 an hour but that didn't help her. Thanks to the raise she now lost her food stamps and now has a harder time trying to pay for food. Then we have Jerry, a recovery alcoholic who hasn't seen his kids in nine years. He recently found out that he can make an annual raise of 25 cents for every year he worked. Many months later, he has trouble with his boss. He quits his job and finds a new one. He now makes less money than he originally started with. Lastly we have Mary, a single mother of three who used to be fine until she went through a bitter divorce. When trying to find a place in the workforce she can only find a job that pays $2.13 an hour plus tips. Since she has to work, she has to hire a babysitter that eats away at her earnings. Some nights she'll make 30 dollars only to find out that she can only keep a small fraction of

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