Love's Vocabulary Analysis

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There is a plethora aspects of love. Love can make you feel a lot . Love is intangible. You or your partner can feel stressed, confused, or sad. On the other hand, love can be amazing and you can feel happy, excited, overjoyed etc.An aspect of love is emotion because, humans are emotional, emotions are powerful , and your actions can encourage your partner to respond positively or negatively. To start off , humans sometimes have something going on in a relationship and since we are human we can not help it but to feel emotions. According to the essay “ Love’s Vocabulary “ it states “Like a balik created from many emotional colors , it is a fabric whose pattern and brightness may vary.” In other words , it is normal to feel a lot of emotions. Your emotions will constantly change based on what is going on . Love brings a lot of emotions or feelings with it automatically. We are humans,, of course we have feelings which is normal yet when we’re in love we tend to be a little bit more emotional depending on what’s happening in the relationship. …show more content…

It includes many feelings… we crowd into one simple word.” This means love comes with many emotions. Emotions are very powerful. Emotions can really affect us because of how powerful they can be .In some cases emotions can really have you distracted from what you need to do. For instance, if you feel jealous, stressed, or confused. Those are really strong feelings you may receive in a relationship. Or you may feel over joyed , enthusiastic about something , and excited are very good feelings in a

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