Love in the Time of Cholera Review

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Shirley Bassey said it best in her 1968 record, “My Love Has Two Faces”. This title means that people can obtain two different personalities while they are in love. Your personality and actions change while you are with your lover compared to when you are with family, friends, etc. Love can have positive aspects and also negative aspects along the way. In the book, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it contains two aspects or “faces” that determine the overall quality to the book. Although this book is a timeless love story connecting to any generation and well-written; the tittle can mislead readers and bring a sense of discomfort to some readers also. The novel neither achieves greatness nor does it fail it.
Much like Marquez’s other work, this book is extremely well-written. When Oprah Winfrey introduced the novel on her television show, she stated that, “This is one of the greatest love stories I have ever read... It is so beautifully written that it really takes you to another place in time and will make you ask yourself how long could you, or would you, wa...

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