Love and Hate According to Medea

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From when Medea first reflects on meeting Jason to the end of the story, her emotions toward him change immensely. Although it is clearly obvious that Medea is not mentally well, the fact still remains that this is a normal range of emotion for someone who went through all she did with Jason. The ups and downs of love have been played and replayed throughout centuries of drama and human life. When thinking of love, a person would reflect on the beginning of the relationship, or what some people call the ‘honeymoon phase’. In this phase of a relationship people often feel very in love. They want to be around the person all the time and they romanticize changing everything they have to be with that person all the time. Just as Medea makes the rash decision to kill her brother, betray her father, and abandon her homeland for Jason. Although the scale of what is being done for love is slightly askew from today’s point of reference, the things she gives up are attributed to her love for Jason. When Medea is speaking to Jason she says, “…hated by my friends at home, I have, in kindness t...

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