Motherhood: The Components Of Love

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Love is defined in the dictionary as an intense feeling of deep affection. However, love is an emotion that cannot be simply defined. The reason is because there are many different kinds of love such as love for a parent or sibling, love toward a friend, love exchanged between romantic partners, love had for a specific hobby or activity, and love for a child. Other words that have been used to describe love are as follows – euphoria, joy, depression, restlessness, anger, and fear. To further differentiate between the different varieties of love, we must look at the components of love. Eros is the physical, sexual component of love. Agape is loves spiritual and altruistic component. Philos is the love of deep and enduring friendships. If all …show more content…

This mandate has been known to cause guilt in the working mother because she feels like she is abandoning her responsibilities to her child. From what I take from this, you could easily suggest that this is the reason some women choose not to have children at all. Not only do they think that they can go through nine months of pregnancy and the pain of child birth, but don’t feel responsible enough to fulfill the motherhood mandate. Again I have no children of my own, but I know that being a mother is demanding. Ideal mothers are expected to enjoy every minute of caring for their children and caring for the home, but sometimes it’s hard to enjoy and people need to understand that that is okay. Look at it as a career; you’re not always going to enjoy the work, but that doesn’t make you a bad worker. What makes you a bad worker is laziness and simply not putting in the effort. Same with motherhood. You may not enjoy all the sleepless nights, the dirty diapers, or the screaming, but that doesn’t make you a bad …show more content…

However, I will admit that those women who decide to just have kids and not be married or even in a serious relationship a little crazy. I mean, power to them, but that is just not something I would choose for myself. Me being a mother is a crazy enough thought, but doing it all by myself? No way I could do that. But this is not the only way single-parent households are formed. Some are brought on by divorce or abandonment and some are brought on by the death of a spouse. In situations where the mother becomes the single parent with children under eighteen, economic vulnerability is inescapable. Over one half of all poor children in the United States live in mother-headed single-families. The reason for this is that women are more likely to have low-paying jobs, if employed at all. Because of the financial uncertainty, both physical and emotional demands of a single-parent woman increase. Single mothers have a higher percentage of depression and lower levels of self-esteem than married women, especially if they are teenage mothers who do not have their GED. Single fathers face a situation far different. They are usually better educated, occupy higher-level careers, and continue those occupations even after becoming a single parent. Similar to single mothers, single fathers have reported a struggle on balancing work and family, especially

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