Love For Ceramics Research Paper

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Love for Ceramics As a young child, my parents founded Mystic Acres Kennels, a kennel that resides on our property and is run by my family. My earliest memories are playing at the desk in the kennel, waiting to greet dogs as they entered. To distract me when large dogs came in, my mom had a constant supply of playdough, a toy which provided endless entertainment. I found myself, building and creating anything that I could get my hands on. The ideas would flow endlessly. My journey into the magnificent world of ceramics began during my freshman year of high school. It’s a class that allows me to expand my artistic horizons and learn new and useful skills. My passion for ceramics grows with each passing year. My favorite aspect of the discipline is the fact that it seems impossible for my passion to diminish. I feel like I learn something new every day and I look forward to going to class. It makes me want to strive to improve my skills so that one day I can display my beautiful glazes and thrown works of art for other people to enjoy. …show more content…

Meisinger, over last summer. As it turns out, he does ceramics for a living. He even owns his own gallery about 20 minutes from our house. I asked my friend to arrange a meeting with his dad so that I could talk with him about apprenticing to further my knowledge. This would allow me to talk to him about an apprenticeship during the summer. At the beginning of the meeting, he told me his life story. This inspired me even more to become his apprentice and obviously I took the job as soon as he offered it. I began studying under him the Monday after and within a few weeks, my art and my skills had improved

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