Love Contract Law

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“According to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 11,364 charges were filed alleging sexual harassment in the workplace last year. Increasingly concerned about relationships’ aftermath and possible sexual harassment claims, some companies are taking a preemptive approach.” (Goudreau, 2012) I recommend that our organization adopt and implement a love contract policy and require employees who are in romantic relationship sign love contracts. A love contract, also known as consensual relationship agreement, is a signed agreement between employees who make the decision to date while working in the same organization. “A love contract policy establishes workplace guideline for dating or romantically involved coworker.” (Heathfield, 2016)
Love contracts can protect our company from sexual harassment litigation. If our policy is well written, we can limit any future litigation as a result of sexual harassment claims for those who have signed a love contract to arbitration. This protects us from excessive legal cost and time in court. Furthermore, love contracts will set guidelines for dating while in our workplace. With a policy in place, we can discuss with our employees …show more content…

Many employees feel that this violates their rights and question the legitimate purpose of such a broad and far-reaching policy. At most, the love contract policy should prohibit dating between management and non-managerial staff but stop short of prohibiting dating between coworkers at the similar employment levels. Additionally, creating non-fraternization policies will create circumstances that we may be required terminate employees for the act of dating or going on a date even when these behaviors do not create a hostile work environment. The true intent of the policy is to reduce hostile work environments that results specifically from sexual

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