Louis In The Movie Unbroken

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The 2014 box office hit movie Unbroken directed by Angelina Jolie accurately depicts the events that took place in the life of Louis Zamperini including his childhood, time as a runner in high school and in the Olympics, and the troubles that he occured during his tenure in the United States Military. Unbroken begins with Louis in his hometown of Olean, New York growing up with a family of Italian Heritage. Although Louis was born in Olean , his family shortly after “moved to California” where he was raised for a “majority of his childhood” (“Louis Zamperini” 1). Very quickly one can come to the conclusion that Louis “had a knack for getting himself into trouble when he was growing up” (“Unbroken vs. True Story of Louis Zamperini and Mutsuhiro Watanabe” 5).. A conception that Louis himself has confirmed is to be true. Despite the trouble that he brings upon himself it is clear early that Louis has a strong, unified family that love each other. Not much time is spent delving into Louis’ earlier years in the movie, and it quickly accelerates to his time in High School. In high school Louis was introduced to track by his brother Pete, because he thought that “getting Louis involved in the high …show more content…

True Story of Louis Zamperini and Mutsuhiro Watanabe” 11). Zamperini was transferred to this camp, because he refused to participate in Japanese propaganda radio broadcast, which was offered since he was known by the American public from his time in the Berlin Olympics. The premise of the campaign was to convince America that the POW’s were not being mistreated, but due to the abuse that he had faced in the camp Zamperini refused to betray his

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