Loss Of Customer Faith

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Here are some of the potential business risks -

Loss of customer faith
If the customers of DT games were to see that there was a security breach in the news they would begin to think about the business and about using the business in the future.
If the customers had their card details stored with DT games there could be the possibility of their details being stolen which will lead to complications on the customer end.

This would mean that in the future the customers would think twice about using DT games again and might end up changing and taking their custom to another rival business.
Loss of business
Losing customer faith will also lead to a loss of business, as they will want to take their custom to another rival business which will …show more content…

This might lead to courts becoming involved on behalf of some of the employees especially if their details have been stolen.
Their home address might have been stolen, which could lead to them being burgled while they are not home.
A breach at the DT games can potentially have a knock on effect on their customers and employees which could be fatal all because of an unsecure network.
Increased costs
After the damage has been done following the breach of the network, there will be repairs to be made along with data recovery and possibly compensation given to those effected.

Repairs might need to be made to the building if the hack was done on the building and not just online.
Compensation will need to be given to employees or customers which have been effected by the breach, sometimes these compensation packages can accumulate to hundreds of thousands of pounds but it depends on the severity of the breach.
Loss of confidentiality
When a hacker targets a business they will normally be looking to find some bank details from which they will take all of the money with no …show more content…

The breach in a system may compromise the validity of data and will affect the business as it will need to gather the information again which will cost them time and money, which for some businesses is hard to do.
Security issues
For the hackers to gain access to the network at DT Games they would need to use some sort of hacking tool or malicious software.
Sometimes these tools have other aspects to them which can go undetected after the security breach and can harm the network in the future.
If a breach was to happen and a Worm was to be left inside the system, at some point in the future the system will fail again and will have had all of the data copied before anyone knows what has happened.

How to minimise these business risks
To minimise the risks to DT Games, you will need to have the correct preventative measures in place from the start to ensure that there is very little chance that the computer network could be

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