Lord's Prayer Is A Rhetorical Guide

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Hi. It’s Patrice from Women Seeking Christ. It is my prayer that this guide blesses you and enhances your walk with the Lord.

Do you ever ask yourself these questions regarding your prayer life?

Why am I not aware of the divine when speaking to God?

Why do my prayers seem ineffective?

Why don’t I experience empowerment after speaking to the Creator of the Universe?

How can I lift up every circumstance and person that needs prayer?

Too often my prayer life felt weak and dry. At some point I realized there is more to prayer than asking God for my desires, praying for the family, and lifting up requests from people I know. Sure, I praise God or throw him a thank you; but communicating with God is a privilege: moreover it’s sacred. So why is it drudgery? …show more content…

Praying for my family’s needs and sustenance is just the beginning. Praying for my church, missionaries, the lost, the country, our military, are also on the agenda. And this is just an abbreviated list! How can we do it all?

The Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’ instruction to the disciples regarding how to pray, so it is an excellent place to begin. This guide outlines how I pray this prayer daily. Employ what works for you and individualize the guide to make it yours.

I don’t promise my prayer guide will alleviate all your prayer concerns, but give it a try; when I prayer the Lord’s Prayer my life is richer for the effort.

For other ways to deepen your Christian walk take a look at the appendix for prayer helps; additionally, check out the devotionals on my website:

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