Lord Of The Flies Reflection Essay

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Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding is an allegory in novel format about a group of young boys stranded on an island without adults. The story is a microcosm in which Golding reveals his opinions about humanity and the society that has been created. Golding, using an abundance of symbols and themes to show his beliefs on politics, religion and society as a whole. Throughout the story Golding shows that people look at the outer appearance of situations instead of really looking into what is happening. This leads them to making poor decision for society, especially when it comes to leadership. The leaders that are chosen can have a truly damaging effect on the mortality of people and they can even be followed religiously. This is detrimental …show more content…

He believes that society is doomed to a constant cycle between destruction and reconstruction because of the battle between the ideals of civilization and the impulses of man. Without proper law and order people whose right and wrong as a question of will I get into trouble or not, begin to do terrible things; they know now there will not be punishment for their actions. In Lord of the Flies these people are represented by Roger, who in the beginning of the story doesn’t hit a littlun with a rock when he could have. “Roger stooped, picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry- threw it to miss.” (Golding, page 64). This action shows that Roger was still afraid of getting into trouble. At the end of the novel, however, it is shown that he has changed when he kills Piggy. “Roger was dropping them, his hand still on the lever. Below him, Ralph only a Shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat.” (Golding, page 199). Roger has now gained the ability to murder because he knows he won’t get punished for doing so. Furthermore without proper leadership irresponsible leaders will come into power; which is shown by Jack’s tribe. However because this kind of government is built on the leaders promise to protect its people from the danger of the unknown it is weak. A responsible government will be able to take power back when people begin to realize that they can also protect them from the danger. This is shown in the novel when the navy officer shows up on the island because he will take of power from the kids. Throughout the story Golding shows that people must be consistently told to do good or primal instinct will take over and they will do terrible things to obtain and maintain what they want to

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