Lord Of The Flies: Pure Vs. Profane

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Isabel Sherk Mr. Ammer High Honors English 4 March 2015 Word Count: 1017 Pure vs Profane In the Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, a plane full of young boys crashes on a stranded island. At first, the freedom and independance appears fun and exciting, establishing a sense of distant maturity that the boys didn’t possess before. But once terror strikes in and the nights become long and terrifying, fear takes over the little sense of stableness the boys had and the corruptness begins. Through the characters of Simon and Jack, Golding demonstrates the purity contrasted to the corruptness within a mini society. Simon, a smart and mature young boy, represents the purity of the group. Simon starts out very quiet and modest, first …show more content…

In the beginning, immediately Jack shows interest in being the leader of the group, displaying his love for power and reigning over the others. Although Jack wants to be leader, Ralph does as well, so the boys decide to vote. Ralph ends up winning, but he appoints Jack leader of a few of the boys. Instantly Jack declares themselves the hunters, and their task is to kill a pig. The first time, Jack and the hunters miss the pig, but then Jack becomes obsessed with the idea of killing a pig, and that becomes to overpower everything he is supposed to do. He begins to paint his face and go hunting very often, turning into a savage boy obsessed with the idea of killing anything breathing. As Jack becomes more savage like, he also begins to control the boys more. Jack, almost as obsessed with killing as he is power, uses the little boys’ fear to coerce them into thinking Jack is some hero that will kill all the beasts and save them all. They began to follow less of Ralph’s rules and more of Jack’s, messing around and breaking the moral codes the boys should be following, instead they embrace the violence and insanity that Jack demonstrates. Jack thrives off the power he is receiving and begins to act very rude towards Ralph, constantly questioning Ralph’s authority and disrespecting him in front of the other boys, therefore advancing the authority he possesses. Eventually when the boys split up into two groups, and almost all the boys go to Jack’s group, Roger pushes a rock off a cliff, which tumbles down and kills Piggy, smashing the conch that Piggy was holding. Jack, seeing the broken conch, now screams that he can finally be head chief, demonstrating his compulsive need to control everyone else, and the lengths that he will go to in order to become a tyrannical beast. Jack not only disrespects Ralph, but he also disrespects Simon in another one of his exceedingly brutal

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