Lord Of The Flies Deindividual Analysis

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Another characteristic of deindividuation is aroused emotion. They boys in Lord of the Flies are often in a frenzy and become one large group. [T] For example, when Piggy urges (v) Ralph to reassemble the group of boys, they come “together on the sand and were a dense black mass that revolve[s]” (Golding 92). [6] The boys become one mass. [5] Because of aroused (adj) emotion, the boys are no longer individuals, but one unit (pn) of deindividuation. Also, when the pig game goes too far with Robert, he starts “screaming and struggling with the strength of the frenzy” (Golding 114). [2] In the pig game, the hunters reenact the killing of the first pig. The boys deindividuated within the large group because (cl) they become aroused by the setting,

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