Survival and Sacrifice: A Lone Seal's Tale

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Lone Survivor
The purpose of the movie Lone Survivor is how men “Navy Seals” are sent into many dangerous situations. Navy seals are an elite team of people that endure more pain and agony in one week (hell week) than most people do in a lifetime. Marcus Luttrell wanted to be a navy seal since he was a young boy. The move starts out showing how many men actually try to become a seal and how few actually make the seal team. Marcus Luttrell and three other Navy Seals were sent to capture or kill a known Taliban leader that was in direct association with Osama Bin Laden. When things go wrong and the team is discovered, the men have to go into battle to survive. Three of the Navy Seals died during the mission leaving one man to come home as the Lone Survivor. …show more content…

It began on June 28, 2005 and lasted seven to ten days. Marcus Lutrell, Michael Patrick Murphy, Matthew Axelson, and Danny Dietz were sent in to kill the Taliban leader. They were discovered by a man and his sons herding goats along the mountain side. The seal team had a heated debate on whether or not to kill the man and his sons or risk them going back to the village and telling the Taliban. The seal team let them go because U.S. soldiers do not kill unarmed innocent civilians. Just as the team expected they told the Taliban soldier which started the gunfight. The seal team was pinned down and three of the men were killed in action. Marcus Luttrell born on November 7, 1975 was one of the four heroic Navy Seals sent on this mission. Marcus is the actual Lone Survivor. He survived because he was found by Islamic people that were very kind and hid him from the Taliban soldiers. The Islamic people risked their own lives trying to save one man, because they believed in our cause. The movie “The Lone Survivor” is based on actual true events that took place on that mountain because Marcus Lutrell lived to tell the

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