Lone-Survivor: The True Story Of The Lone Survivor

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Lone Survivor is a true story that likes most books about the SEALs starts out for the most part with him talking about his friends. There is a little lead up to this and it starts with Marcus Luttrell (the lone survivor) going through his tough, country style childhood in Texas. At a very young age Luttrell decides he wants to be a Navy Seal, looking from help and training from a Green Beret named Billy Shelton. The next portion of the book falls into the usual SEAL book. It begins with his sign-up with the navy, leads through a short section of basic training. I won’t go into the details of these portions, since it has been written about and shown on television a lot. Lone Survivor does go through Luttrell’s specific experiences, difficulties, and accomplishments.
Next Marcus is going to Afghanistan for a many different missions with a couple details included. This brings us into what will become the primary mission and most of the book called Operation Redwing. A powerful Taliban leader and known to associate with Osama Bin Laden had become infamous and want dead and it was up to...

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