London 1802 vs. Douglass

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In dire situations, it is common for people to seek moral guidance. William Wordsworth and Paul Laurence Dunbar did this through poetry. The two poems, “London, 1802” and “Douglass,” share a similar underlying cause, sentence formation, and the conditions of their particular country, but differ drastically in tone, use of comparisons, structure, and the author’s goals.
The two poems share multiple similarities, including the underlying reason behind writing the odes. Both authors look longingly to deceased men to serve as examples of progress that needed to be made in their two countries. In “London, 1802,” Wordsworth is speaking to John Milton, an English poet and political writer. He expresses his concern for 18th century England, claiming that the English have become “selfish men” and losing sight of their heritage. With Milton’s help, Wordsworth states the English would be returned their “manners, virtue, freedom, power.” In “Douglass,” Dunbar is speaking to Frederick Douglass, an American writer and abolitionist leader, explaining how strong segregation and discrimination is, ...

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