Lombroso And Strain Theory Analysis

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Why exactly do criminals commit crime? Is it something deep in their minds that tells them to do something? Is it in their genes to commit the crime? Or is it how the world has shaped them? There are many theories out there to try and figure out this question. Criminologists have spent countless years trying to figure out why criminals commit crimes, so that crime could possibly be reduced or even stopped. There may be no one hundred percent correct theory but I believe that there are some more correct than others. I am a firm believer in the Strain Theory, however I do not read too much into Lombroso's theory of anthropological criminology. I think these two theories prove that there are some really good theories on why people commit crimes …show more content…

I can not see every prisoner having early human features and every soldier having modern features. What even determines what is an early human feature and what is a modern feature? This idea is just full of flaws. Surely not everyone with these anomalies commits crime. It is absurd to walk around measuring faces and saying that they are more likely to commit a crime. These two theories are complete polar opposites. The strain theory says that the world around them is the reason for crime. Where the anthropological theory is based on your genes specifically your facial features. I can understand a theory based on genetics when it comes to mental illness or past family members being a criminal, but one that bases crime on face features is absurd. The mind of a criminal, why he or she commits crime is a very complicated matter. To say that someone commits crime because their face looks like an early human surely sounds like something a first grader would come up with. I believe that crime is a direct correlation to the world around us. That is why the strain theory makes the most sense to me. Take for example a college student. If a student is failing (strain) they are more than likely going to do something. They may have healthy coping mechanisms like more studying or getting help from a teacher. Or a student may have unhealthy coping such as cheating or paying a peer to do their work for them. We don’t all know what its like to be a criminal but I think we all know what it is like to be failing a class at

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