Lockheed Martin Essay

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Lockheed Martin business environment takes pride in innovation, inclusion, leadership and ethics. The company has a Full Spectrum Leadership model which has been apart of the organization’s culture since 2006. The five characteristics/imperatives of the Full Spectrum Leadership are Deliver Results, Shape the Future, Build Effective Relationships, Energize the Team and Model Personal excellence, Integrity and Accountability. These five characteristics/imperatives all have individual meanings. For example, energizing the team means that leaders should always have a positive, engaging work environment where all employees can excel. I believe these five imperatives show that the interaction that leaders have with not only other employees but with …show more content…

An environment where leaders and followers can communicate effectively to get tasks completed. An environment where collaboration is possible. According to Lockheed Martin (n.d.), Rick Edwards who is the Vice President of Missiles and Fire Control states that, “Leaders have a responsibility to create an environment where all employees feel valued- an environment where employees feel at eas e and can bring their full selves to work every day.” The Full Spectrum Leadership is also aligned with the CARE Program. This program help leaders to be aware of the attributes they must have to be successful. There are also various leadership development programs. One of these programs include Communications. An applicant can grow their expertise in employee communications. This program will help employees gain expertise on how to communicate with others more effectively. These leadership development programs help to groom employees into effective leaders. Lockheed Martin groom’s leaders to cultivate an inclusive and supportive work environment. Lockheed Martin strives to have a company that is inclusive. This also helps employees to interact with …show more content…

It has also utilized processes to improve team communication and decision making. The company has an Ethics Awareness Program that helps employees make ethical decisions in tough situations. The company has also been aware of when there are communication issues in the company. There was a situation in the past where engineering teams were not getting along on a program. Management did everything that they could but failed. Lockheed Martin turned to the Vanto Group to aid in the situation. Employees had to participate in various sessions. In these sessions they voiced their concerns and opinions. They developed solutions for the issues. At the end of the sessions, those who had participated in the Vanto Group Program had a more positive attitude. Productivity increased due to the fact that each team member was collaborating with each other. As a result of this program, not only did communication and decision making improve but the project that they were initially working on was

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