Loch Ness Monster Mystery

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Many mysteries are stated to be difficult to solve, but many people are unaware why. I believe that mysteries can be difficult to solve due to the geographical standpoint, the many theories of the mystery, and lastly the evidence and facts that each mystery has. The Loch Ness Monster, Lost Colony of Roanoke, Sailing Stones of Death Valley, Bermuda Triangle, Mary Celeste, and many other mysteries can be used to help support the main reasons why mysteries can be difficult to solve. To begin with, mysteries are difficult to solve due to the geographical standpoint of where the event is happening. First, the Sailing Stones of Death Valley has no witnesses to the rocks moving. The location of where the rocks are located is one of the main reasons …show more content…

In addition to that, mysteries are difficult to solve due to the evidence and facts or lack of said evidence and facts we have about the certain event. As an example, we have the Loch Ness Monster mystery. There was fake evidence, and unproved facts. Correspondingly, that means that the information we have about this mystery is all over the place. We cannot simply infer if this mystery was just a hoax or if it was real with just that information. There isn’t enough facts to prove that this mysterious animal is an actual being- or just a spark in someone’s imagination. If you want to research on something, you’re going to need proven facts, hard evidence, and witnesses to help prove your argument. Without any of that, it’s going to be hard to prove if the something like the Loch Ness Monster is real or not. That’s why it’s hard to solve mysteries. By the same token, the Lost Colony has a great amount of facts, but they do not connect. There were the stones, the word “Croatoan” carved in the tree, and the maps. Likewise, we’re loaded with facts, but they do not go together. This evidence is extremely helpful in many ways but we cannot use it to help solve this mystery without more. People say that “we’re missing a puzzle piece to this mystery.” When John White returned to Roanoke Island the article stated, “... he finally returned to the new colony he found… nothing.” He couldn’t help himself find out where anyone was because there was no evidence that he had. The whole colony had nothing there, everything was gone, such as the animals and the settlers. To justify, the Bermuda Triangle has many conspiracies as to why things disappear when something goes across the area. Due to those conspiracies, nobody has the motive to find evidence over towards the area. An article I read stated that, “In 1946, a training squad of five torpedo bombers flew into

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