Lobbying Pros And Cons

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Required Short Paper: The Washington Wishing-Well Lobbying has been a somewhat recent phenomenon that has taken American politics by storm. Lobbying affects all aspects of government, from small local government all the way up to the highest level of federal government. Although some forms of lobbying have been prevalent since the creation of the United States, federal lobbying has increased exponentially in the past 30 years. This recent vast increase in lobbying has shaped present day American politics, protecting the interests of corporations and other wealthy interest groups at the expense of American tax payers who do not have the resources available to make their voices heard in government or influence legislation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary goes on to define lobbying as “an organized group of people who work together to influence government decisions that relate to a particular industry, issue, etc.” Corporations and special interest …show more content…

You can pretty much obtain anything you want if you have enough money to essentially buy policy makers, as well as senators and members of the house of representatives from both political parties. Lobbying has been a tool used by diplomats to use resources that benefits themselves and their party without care for the people that it may affect further down. “They set the terms of the debate by funding Washington’s innumerable talking-shops; and then work on the politicians and officials to ensure that the legislation locks in their advantage” (the Washington Wishing-well). In most instances, these “interests” are merely monetary desires and “once companies have made an initial investment in lobbying they almost never give up” (the Washington Wishing-well). It is simply too profitable. Can we even call the United States a democracy anymore if people can control the government with enough

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