Living And Survival In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

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I am here today to carry on my ideas on the difference between living and surviving. Now we might ask ourselves what living is and what surviving is or what the difference is. If anything, there is a huge difference. Surviving is doing whatever it takes to live up to the next day, you are doing just enough to get by. On the other hand, living is a whole other different thing and in life that’s what you want, you want to live not just survive. I want to live, not just survive and there are choices that you make daily to help you decide whether or not your going to live or survive so I’m asking you, are you really living or surviving? Really ask yourself that because in society we get confused, we get brainwashed into thinking things that are …show more content…

In English class, I read a book called The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Overall a splendid book, I enjoyed it quite a lot and I highly recommend reading it for those who haven’t because it really is a powerful story that grasps readers attention. Anyways, there are these 2 boys in this book, Amir who comes from a privileged background in Kabul and has a wealthy dad whom he calls Baba, although he is not a completely sympathetic character. Hassan is a hazara, which is the most disrespected and the lowest status group in …show more content…

Instead, why not enjoy the time that you have than worrying about your problems. I wonder why is it.. I wonder why is it that when someone has been told that they have some type of cancer and they’re going to die in six months that they automatically decide to have a great life, why is that? Well it’s because they thought their entire life that they deserved to just survive. God didn’t put us on this earth to simply survive, God put us on this earth to live, to enjoy the benefits of our hard work. That’s why he put us on this earth for and if you aren’t living then do what you would do if you didn’t have any time left in this world, write it down and go do it. There’s a huge difference between living and surviving, it shouldn’t take some type of cancer or disease, or for you to get in a car accident or for you to lose a loved one to actually go out there and live your life. Do not give yourself a chance to go back, do not give yourself a chance to stop moving forward and do not give yourself a chance to second guess yourself because life is not about surviving, it’s about living. Thank

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