Lives In Limbo Reflection

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56.6 million Hispanics make up part of the United States population, according to the census Bureau, as of July 1st 2015. Most of which, work in low paying jobs like farmers or maids because of the inability of achieving a higher education or graduating with a diploma. The majority of Chicanos are constrained from economic success because the United States system keeps people of color from achieving a higher education. As a result of the United States educational system, students of immigrants have a harder time in school. The educational system provides more help to ‘White Americans’ than any other race. In the book, Lives in Limbo, emphasizes Karolyn Tyson argument “despite desegregation efforts in the post-Brown v. Board of Education era, …show more content…

Even though there is a law to include the hispanic race in the US school system, the system still racialized people from the success they are to receive. From my personal experience, my high school was dominantly hispanic, compared to other more American high schools, attending CSUN has allowed me to interact with different people. Compared to my experience in high school, I was never opened to having outside tutoring classes or a counselor telling me what colleges look for. When I talk about my experience with some of the people I have met, a different response comes out from their experience in school, “I had tutors additionally helping me understand the subject”, “ My tutor helped me prepare for my SAT“ I …show more content…

The percentage of those who have a degree are minimal compared to the other races in the United States. According to Jens Manuel Krogstad, “As of 2014, among Hispanics ages 25 to 29, just 15% of Hispanics have a bachelor’s degree or higher. By comparison, among the same age group, about 41% of whites have a bachelor’s degree or higher (as do 22% of blacks and 63% of Asians).” Hispanics are the lowest race to have a bachelor’s degree or higher. The importance of having a higher education to achieve a better job is necessary to be successful here in America. If you do not have a diploma from high school and diploma from a university then most likely the only jobs you will get is a low paying

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