Little Red Stereotypes

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Recognizing & Overcoming the Shackles of Gender Stereotype

Everyone is special in their own way. Everyone has their own sense of style, their own personality. Everybody is unique. Yet, some people think that it is improper to be different, to be yourself, especially with gender stereotypes clouding their minds. This idea of breaking free of gender stereotypes is captured by David Ibáñez when he created the artwork, “The Winner”, depicting Little Red Riding Hood flying above a wolf. In this artwork, Little Red is expressing herself by showing her true colors instead of hiding behind a thick mold of lies. Even though this is a modern work of art (2015), the girls of today still struggle with gender stereotypes. In fact, these thoughts have …show more content…

Squeaky believes that everyone should show their true colors by being who they really are, that people should not allow clothes to influence others. This quote shows how Squeaky will not stop fighting gender stereotypes. This is equally true for Little Red. Little Red presents a quality that most people think that girls do not have; determination and strength. She does not give up; she must have worked really hard to to tie up the wolf, ensuring that he cannot and will not escape. Like Squeaky, Little Red is a character that is comfortable with who she is, regardless of what other people think. She does not care what they say behind her back because Little Red likes being the heroine, the superhero of her …show more content…

People, especially parents, often set high expectations for children to behave like a proper girl or boy. These people do not appreciate a person for being who they are; instead they criticize them for not being the perfect version of their gender type. This is exactly the problem shown in “Raymond’s Run” as Squeaky deals with not living up to her mother's expectations. Even though Squeaky does not show it, she is hurt on the inside because of this problem with her mother. Throughout the story, Squeaky's mom does not offer any encouragement or support to Squeaky. Instead, she receives only criticism or silence from her mom. These silent actions do not motivate Squeaky, yet she finds her inner peace and motivation by running. Like the majestic formation of a mountain, Squeaky shows that she rises above everyone else based on her actions. Squeaky has a hard shell on the outside, refusing to show anyone anything vulnerable about her, but instead shows that she is tough — tougher than anyone who challenges her and that she will never back down from anything without a fight. Conversely, Squeaky's inner core shows the treasures in her heart; the soft emotional things. Just like a mountain has a rugged exterior, at the same time it may have gems or treasures on the inside. Squeaky too, shows she is a diamond in the rough. The fact that Squeaky has any sort of soft side is surprising, considering all of

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