Little Brother Memo

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When I was a growing up I grew up with one of my cousin Fabian and my little brother Memo. We would all play games but the one I liked the most was pushing each other down a hill riding a bike. Well first we were around 7-8 years old so we knew how to ride a bike. My cousin and I were the oldest and my little brother well the youngest at that time. So we would go to the back yard and then we had a hill and then that’s where we used to play. So we told my little brother to get on the bike because he was gonna go first and then he did. After that Fabian and I pushed him down the hill he was fine because when he was almost getting near the house he threw himself of to the side and we would try, and fall onto a slip and slide that had water and then he slid down. After that we would all laugh at how fun it was after all. But at first the idea was to go down the hill riding the bike. But then when it was really hot we wanted to get wet. So put the slip and slide which was way funner once we had to throw ourselves onto it while we fell. After I was gonna be my turn to go and then I got on the bike and then I told them, “ok i’m ready” …show more content…

Then after I jumped of the bike I remember that I barely made it onto the slip and slide. Then I heard my brothers laughing at me cause I guess they thought it was funny how I fell onto the slip and slide. I was laughing and screaming after I was done I guess that I learned how to be brave with them. Which I thought it was fun when we played boy games as my aunts told me that I had to play with dolls and girl games. But my dad and my uncles always supported me they said don’t listen to them you can play whatever you want. After my aunts still bought me dolls to play with and then I would tell my

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