Litigious Society Research Paper

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The litigious society of America is everywhere in the news today and throughout the past, a person suing a large company for wrongdoing and getting awarded a large sum of money. A.H. Hermann stated in his article Why is the United States of America so Litigious? For the Business Law Review of 1991 stated (Hermann 1991) “There is no need to start this article by showing that the citizens of the United States are the most litigious race on earth: the number and prosperity of their lawyers, the proliferation of courts which keep busy are notorious. When one inquires why it should be so, the answer usually points strongly to the rugged individualism of the population to the constitution which provides a frim basis for the defense of the rights of the individual, and also to the history to the history in which lawyers, rather than aristocrats, played a leading role.” The American litigious society will have to change in order for the justice system to fulfill its purpose of upholding the rights of the citizens.
According to Webster dictionary “litigious: too ready or eager to sue someone or something in a court of law, tending or likely to engage in …show more content…

Blitz USA a major producer of portable gas cans was forced to declare bankruptcy and close their doors after product liability lawyers got involved ("The Last Week ", 2016). The lawyers got hold of a hand full of injuries involved with the portable gas cans produced ("The Last Week ", 2016). In the end the Blitz USA lost and was forced to pay more than $30 million in defense and damage fees which was enough to take the company under ad declare bankruptcy after more than 50 years of business ("The Last Week ", 2016). The extremely popular American fast food McDonald’s was required to pay an outstanding amount of money over a hot coffee incident ("Litigious America",

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