Literature Review Of Xampp: A Literature Review On XAMP

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Literature Review: XAMPP: XAMPP is a cross platform web server solution distributed by Apache. It is open source and free to use. The package contains most common web development technologies like Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, PHP and Perl programming languages and some additional optional packages depending on the operating system it is used on. The ‘X’ is read as a ‘cross’ which means cross-platform as it is available for more than one operating system. The package for different operating system is WAMP for Windows, MAMP for Mac OS X and LAMP for LINUX. Support for Solaris is also present but is still in beta stages. XAMPP is developed by Apache Friends which was founded by Kai ‘Oswald’ Seidler in 2002. It is a non-profit project and can be distributed widely because it has a GNU General Public License. It was developed by XAMPP’s designers to allow the website designers to test their work on their own computers without any need for the internet. Once installed, the computer acts as a host to a website and files can be accessed through a browser. XAMPP is also used to serve the World Wide Web (www) pages. In that case a special tool is used to protect important parts of the package with a password. By default many security features are disabled in XAMPP configuration to allow the new user to use it as easily as possible. But these setting are easily configurable. XAMPP is the most popular PHP development package and very easy to install and configure. Moreover, Multiple instances of XAMPP server can coexist on a single computer. The latest package XAMPP 1.8.3-3 for Windows includes the following: • Apache 2.4.7 • MySQL 5.6.16 • PHP 5.5.9 • phpMyAdmin 4.1.6 • FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41 • Tomcat 7.0.42 (with mod_proxy_ajp a... ... middle of paper ... ... and user involvement. It divides the project into pre-project, project lifecycle and post-project phases. Feature Driven Development (FDD) Also called Feature-driven design is an agile approach that focuses on the delivery of tangible software in a timely manner. It is an iterative and incremental process of software development. Lean Software Development (LSD) It is summarized as a set of seven principles: eliminate waste, amplify learning, decide as late as possible, deliver as fast as possible, empower team, build integrity in, see the whole. Crystal methodologies Crystal Clear, a software development method, focuses on the people rather than processes. It dictates that efficiency and habitability are components of project safety. Some of Crystal Clear properties are: frequent delivery of usable software to user, reflective improvement and osmotic communication.

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