Literary Themes In King Lear

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Literature is an art form, it is entertainment, history, and a medium of self-expression. There is something magical about the creative power that is within literature. With words alone, literature illustrates the rise of nations, the fall of tyranny, the power of true love, and the tragedy of unescapable fate. When discussing timeless literature, it is almost impossible to not bring up the works of William Shakespeare. However, while some are enthusiastic about discussing Shakespeare, many can’t help but sigh. Some find his work outdated, his language cumbersome, and question: for what purpose is society so fixated on his work? Despite complaints from a few contemporary readers, Shakespeare’s work exhibits quality and thoughtfulness that is …show more content…

Literature often provides an avenue for instruction on the human condition, and King Lear is no different. Perhaps the most important take away from King Lear, is the concept of recognizing true loyalty. The downfall of the play’s protagonists stems from the inability of leaders to recognize loyalty, and to be fooled by flattery. King Lear’s sin of preferring sweet lies is one that begins the entire play, with his inability to reconcile his favorite daughter’s refusal to flatter him. It is made clear that Cordelia does indeed love her father, but she refuses to exaggerate that love: “Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave/my heart into my mouth. I love your Majesty/ according to my bond, no more nor less” (2.2.100-102). Cordelia’s declaration is an honest one, but doesn’t venture into the realm of exaggeration. However, it is made clear that King Lear desires flattery not truth, as demonstrated by his demand that Cordelia “mend her speech a little” (1.1.103). Gloucester parallels King Lear in placing his faith in the wrong child. Thus, a common motif of blindness to truth emerges. The truth is something one should seek for themselves, and to recklessly doubt those who are loved without hearing them out is foolish. This idea expressed in King Lear is timeless, and thus is relevant even in the modern …show more content…

Edmund, Regan, Goneril, are dead, yet, alongside them lies Cordelia and King Lear. Gloucester for all his growth and redemption has perished as well. It would seem that human struggle and desire is not always fated to meet one’s expectations. Edmund who struggles with his own sense of worth throughout the entire play realizes at his end that he was loved. The objects of his affection are now dead due to foolishness. His attempts at a final act of goodness fail, as he is unable to save Cordelia. Cordelia, who embodied nothing but purity and good nature has lost her life for what seems to have been a vain cost. King Lear who has grown so much throughout the play, dies in despair and loss. Albany remarks, in regards to the deaths of the antagonists, that “all friends shall taste/the wages of their virtue, and all foes/ the cup of their deservings” (5.3.366-368). While he is correct that the villains have indeed gotten just deserts, his words leave no explanation for the deaths of our heroes, particularly Cordelia. By the plays end, the audience is left questioning the fairness of it all. Perhaps Kent and Edgar convey such feelings the best towards the play’s end. “Is this the promised end? Or image of that horror?”

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