Literary Techniques In Josh Bond's The Moth

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The diversity in the stories The Moth has to offer is incredible. The two stories that I listened to could not have been more different. One was about the capture of one of the most notorious criminals of all time, the other was about a simple pastry chef who ends up getting a job at the white house. Both stories were incredibly well told and interesting, despite being different in every way possible. The first story was told by Josh Bond and was titled Call Me Charlie. The story is about how Josh, a musician living in LA area, helped to capture Whitey Bulger. Whitey Bulger is one of the most notorious criminals of all time, and at the time of his arrest he was living under the alias Charlie Gasko in an apartment building that Josh ran. Josh, …show more content…

Josh is by all accounts an average man. He works as a musician and runs an apartment building to supplement his income. On the day of Whitey’s arrest Josh had the day off of work and was planning on attending a concert with his friend. Josh tells the audience how he hasn’t have a day off in two straight weeks and was dying to have a night out. Starting the story in this way helped to paint a picture of Josh’s life and make him relatable. Throughout the story the audience feels for Josh, who is being forced to turn in someone he believed to be a friend. He is being thrown into an extremely high stress situation in which the FBI is calling all the shots. Throughout the story Josh sees the good and the bad in the situation he is in. At one point he calls his brother because he is so excited about what is going on. He has …show more content…

It is a simple story about a gay democrat from New York named Bill Yosses, who ends up being the pastry chef for George and Laura Bush. Bill is a nice man who has worked as a pastry chef for many many years. The way Bill tells his story the audience can tell that he is a humble man, despite the fact that he has had quite a lot of success in his life. Bill’s story starts when we gets a phone call telling him that the pastry chef from the White House was retiring. Bill’s friends pushed him into applying for the job, and after sending in his resume he felt extremely confident. Bill didn’t get the job. He didn’t even get an interview. Instead he went back to his normal life and didn’t think about the job for two more years, when the job re-opened. Yet again his friends pressured him into applying for the job, this time he got an interview. The interview process was lengthy and complicated. Bill explains that in order to even bake anything he had to go to several interviews and have several back ground checks. Eventually he got to the point in the interview process where he got to meet the president. He talks about how standing in the White House all he wanted was to be a part of history in some way. He thought about all the people who had lived and worked there and wanted so badly to get to join them. Bill eventually got the job and has been working at the White House ever since. He saw the Bush leave office and Obama take

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