Lincoln's Journey To Emancipation Proclamation

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The Emancipation Proclamation Essay Knowing the history of your country is very important. But know the history behind the choices your country commander in chief makes decisions is even more important especially when they are historical decisions. Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves but did he do it because he felt bad or was it because he was pissed off that the southern states wanted to go against him? After reading all three essays it is clear that the ultimate legacy of the Emancipation Proclamation was to unite all the states under one rule again and because Lincoln was pissed off with the south for wanting to rebel against the United States decided to free the slaves. In addition, Lincoln felt bad about slavery and wanted it to end “because it prevented the Negro from eating the bread which his own hands earns” according to author Stephen B. Oates as noted in “Lincoln’s Journey to Emancipation”. But after he lost the 1858 Senate contest to Douglas. He realized that his way of thinking is not going to help him with presidency so he put the thought of freeing the slaves out of his head. According to article “Lincoln’s Journey to Emancipation” Lincoln “ he repeated …show more content…

According to article “Lincoln’s Journey to Emancipation” written by author Stephen B. Oates. “After Lincoln's victory and the secession of the seven states of the Deep South. Lincoln beseeched Southerners to understand the Republican position on slavery. In his Inaugural Address of 1861. he .15- sured them once again that the federal government would not tree the slaves in the South. that it had no legal right to do so. He even gave his blessings to the original Thirteenth Amendment. just passed by Congress. that would have guaranteed slavery in the Southern states for as long as whites there wanted it”. But the rebels out the south wanted to do things there way and continued to rebel against the United

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