Lincoln Lyceum Address Thesis

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Lincoln Lyceum Address

This quote is from Abraham Lincoln, The Lyceum Address, January 27th, 1838, “Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.” . The Lyceum Address was given by Abraham Lincoln at age 28. He wanted equality and this is what the Lyceum Address is about. Lincoln wanted slaves to be free, he wanted women to vote and Abraham wanted to raise awareness of the dangers of slavery in the United States of America. The Lyceum address also warned how someone from inside could corrupt the federal government. Abraham Lincoln reported how a cruel and oppressive ruler could take over the American political system from within. He said, “What! Think you these places would satisfy an Alexander, a Caesar, …show more content…

It now is called the Lyceum Address. The speech was given on January 27th, 1838 to The Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield Illinois. This speech also discussed, as well as many other topics, the democratic republic, threats to American institutions, the political system created by the founding fathers, and alerted of catastrophic power from the inside Lincoln secondarily accused slavery for chaos in the United States. He concluded that there needed to be a “political religion” emphasizing laws in the US, including citizenship. Lincoln’s speech was one of the earliest speeches of its time to be published. The Lyceum Address was published in the Sangamon Journal. The speech helped to establish Lincoln’s reputation as an orator. This speech has been much debated and scrutinized by historians, they have come to the conclusion that they see broad implications for later public policies. Lincoln wanted to build a strong political system. He was a great supporter of equal rights, he wanted women's rights when nobody else did. He wanted to abolish slavery before other people took up the cause. People claim that the Lyceum Address gives a full insight into his

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