Lil Peep Kiss Meaning

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Sit back, relax, and listen to the meanings of these tunes. Lil Peep’s song titled,“Kiss”, takes the listener on an adventure of deep bass bumps with sharp snare hits to explain the story of a painful breakup with a significant other and the aftermath of wanting them back that had fostered inside of Peep’s head. Lil Peep proceeds through the song explaining the issues of how he treated others, how he thinks about himself and the relationship, and the significant other meeting a new lover, causing jealousy to kindle, eventually setting ablaze the undying love Peep had for his significant other. Four minutes and ten seconds is all it took for Lil Peep to explain the war going on in his head and the battles he fought to prove that he loved his significant other. In seconds, Lil Peep will have listeners relating his works of art to something happening in life or something that had happened in life. So where is the proof? The proof that proves that Lil peep loves this other human being and that he thinks of them all the time. The proof is in the song’s tone, mood, lyrics, and so much more. Keeping that slow deep beat with the …show more content…

A listener could possibly see it as Lil Peep trying to pick up a girl from the club and gets rejected because she has a boyfriend, so Peep goes off to fight this dude to claim his girl for a night. Understanding the meaning of the song can be a bit difficult, but if you follow verse by verse, you can see that Peep is trying to get his significant other back because of how they loved him. Lil Peep wants that last chance with his past relationship; he provides that in the song with “One more chance, baby, gimme a kiss. Ya got one more chance at a night like this” (Lil Peep). Peep meant his words, he meant his feelings, he just plasters that all over the wall and proves that what he is saying is what he is

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