Lil Nas X Doritos

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It is the ability of the commercials to entertain as well as effectively showcase the product that makes them appealing to a potential consumer interested in buying and enjoying Doritos. In the Peter Dinklage commercial, amazing effects and music were used, as well as an intriguing concept. It was a short advertisement which kept my attention until the end of the advertisement with amusement. As part of the Dinklage commercial, a hashtag #spitfire was introduced in order to introduce Doritos Blaze. As a result, it added an extra layer of intrigue, anticipation, and enticement to begin a conversation regarding this product. Ultimately, Peter Dinklage provided star power and a clever and humorous concept to capture a customer's attention quickly. Similarly, Lil Nas X's commercial stood out for its catchy and …show more content…

In the Lil Nas X Doritos commercial, the brand embraces contemporary trends, focusing on the artist's iconic style as well as incorporating elements of internet culture, which makes it relatable to a young audience. In a similar way, the Peter Dinklage commercial leveraged the actor's recognizable persona and combined it with a humorous and memorable concept that appealed to a broad audience. Both commercials utilize the star power and charisma of their featured actors to generate attention and create an impact that will be remembered without relying heavily on expensive production elements. Creative concepts and clever storytelling are critical to the effectiveness of commercials, while keeping costs down as much as possible. By tapping into cultural relevance and utilizing cost-effective production techniques, such as clever editing and effective use of music, these commercials were able to create impactful and memorable advertising campaigns that resonated with audiences while remaining within budget

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