Life Of Pi by Yann Martel

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Pi’s journey to his faith

(Start with some general sentence) In Yann Martel’s novel, ‘Life Of Pi’, the main character, Pi goes through some harsh struggles as he manages himself to survive in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with his skills and knowledge he has. His whole life is a journey. He learns various different skills that are used usefully in his survival. When Pi becomes an adult, he is left alone in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a 450 pounded Bengal tiger. Although the fact that he has lost everything gives him a deep depression and makes him feel hopeless, he eventually uses his skills that he has learned when he is young to make himself endure through his painful faith. The skills that Pi learned when he is in India were preparation for his own faith.

Pi spends most of his childhood life in Pondicherry, India, learning and experiencing various skills that eventually help Pi to survive. Unlike other people, he encounters religion in interesting way. The way how Pi understands religion is significant because later it helps Pi to get rid of hopelessness, and gives ...

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