Life Of Pi Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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The novel The Life of Pi is about the extraordinary story of a boy who is stranded out at sea. The book was soon crafted into a movie, bearing many similarities and differences to the original novel. Some aspects of the movie could’ve been done differently but overall it stayed similar to the book. The Life of Pi movie was similar and different in many ways but stayed similar for the most part.

Similarities between the novel The Life of Pi and the movie are evident throughout the film. Major similarities include the carnivorous island and Pi’s religion. The carnivorous island was a floating island that Pi stumbled upon while he was in the ocean. He resides there before finding out, to his horror, that the island is carnivorous. He originally …show more content…

Two major differences include the blind french man and pi training Richard Parker, the tiger on board with him while he was stranded. The Blind French man was a man Pi met while he was temporarily blinded. Richard Parker attacks him after he tries to kill Pi and that was left out of the movie. Also, Pi doesn’t train Richard parker in the film to the extent he does in the novel. Although The Life of Pi novel and movie are different, they still have the same concept.

If I were the director, I would've added in more information about Pi’s past. Although Pi has his backstory covered in the movie, the novel explains it with much greater detail and connects it more to the current situation. pi’s back story also adds great understanding to Pi’s character. It feels as if the movie didn't develop his character enough. There are many differences between The Life of Pi movie and novel.

The movie The Life of Pi is similar to the movie just as it is different. The similarities and differences affect it negatively and positively but it is still an outstanding movie. There are multiple major differences between the novel and movie but it is still able to portray the same

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