Life Of Pi In Shakespeare's Film 'The Tempest'

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Option 3: To make a discovery is confronting, but transformative.

Everyone encounters the notion of discovery, however, those that confront previous philosophies result in the most humbling reflections and transformations. Confronting discoveries in both the physical and abstract spectrum lead individuals to re-assess their values and who they are as a person. William Shakespeare’s play, ‘The Tempest’ (1611); follows a group of stranded individuals who, as a result of their shared experiences with the abuse of power, rediscover the necessity for compassion and the need for revalued relations. Ang Lee’s film, ‘Life of Pi’, dictates the self-discovery of the protagonist, Pi, as he embarks on an unexpected journey of personal growth and changing …show more content…

Discoveries can lead us to engage with new worlds, situations and values. It’s not the discovery one makes that shapes its worth, rather the way in which their perspective and values change as a result. Whilst Prospero is calling the storm that sinks his enemy’s ship in The Tempest, Miranda exclaims “If by your art…you have / Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them”. The imagery used and connotations of “allay” convey Miranda’s reaction to the discovery of her father’s power and the penned up anger within. With this discovery in mind, Miranda undergoes a change in values; specifically her undying loyalty to her father as the situation positions her to side against him. This highlights how new contexts and situations can stimulate discovery, as well as encourage one to engage and adapt their values. At the time Shakespeare’s plays were being written and performed, England was an emerging global superpower, focused on expanding its borders. Colonialism and the philosophy behind it are explored by Shakespeare through Prospero and Caliban’s relationship; that of a European colonizer and a native inhabitant. Prospero …show more content…

No discoveries are limited to just one aspect of life, but rather can have a range of impacts on a variety of different planes. The wide variety of characters Shakespeare explores throughout The Tempest each undergo different forms of discovery. Prospero’s deliberate conjuring of the tempest acts as a catalyst for all these different discoveries. Miranda, having lived on the secluded island her whole life, is astounded by the newcomers, “O brave new world, that has such people in’t!” This line personifies her ‘new world’ to accentuate Miranda’s astonishment at her discovery of humanity and the diversity of it. Her discovery of feeling such as love and lust as a result of her interactions with Ferdinand demonstrate how other individuals can provoke discovery within one’ self. Shakespeare’s setting; the deserted island, allows each character to explore their individual discovery without the grasps of society constricting them. Ferdinand’s and Miranda’s joint discovery of love is a clear example of this as it never would’ve taken place within society and demonstrates the concept that discoveries can occur as a result of new settings. In contrast to Miranda’s discovery of humanity and all it entails, Pi discovers humanity’s irrelevance in face of the world around us. While traversing across a glowing sea at night, high angle and overhead shots of the

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