Life Isn 'T Fair In Bill Gates' Rules For Life

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Another day has come and gone, and throughout this day, you’ve thought “this isn’t fair!” Maybe it was a disappointing grade on a test, a lost game, an aggravating decision, or frustrating homework assignment. But, as Bill Gates put it in his famous “Rules for Life”, “Life isn’t fair - get used to it!” But why isn’t life fair? Fairness or the lack of fairness can be the result of where you came from, what circumstances you were born into, and what challenges you’re suffering from. Here’s the point - each day, every person on the planet is faced with challenges. Some of those challenges are ones of great responsibility, like learning to drive a car, and some of them are of little importance, like doing the dishes. But these challenges make us all question “why me?” This rhetorical …show more content…

Is it fair that I was born to a white family with a steady income? Is it fair that there are children in Syria that were born to a family amidst a war? Inspirational speakers say “it doesn’t matter where you came from, it matters where you’re going.” While this can be true to some circumstances, others will say “this isn’t fair!” However, in the article “Life Isn’t Fair - Deal With It”, the author states “We clearly have no choice about how we come into this world, we have little choice early in life, but as we grow older choices abound.” The author follows this point by bringing up another thought about how the decisions you make are what affect you, not you’re beginning. “Our station in life cannot, or at least should not, be blamed on our parents, our teachers, our pastors, our government, or our society — it’s largely based on the choices we make…”, the author states. Notwithstanding, while the author does bring up fair points, it’s going to make a difference in my life that I grew up in a white home in the United States, which all leads back to the question “is life

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