Life Is Like A Journey In Homer's The Odyssey

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The Odyssey written by Homer foretold the story of how life is like a journey. In the story, many of the characters were antagonized with challenges, struggles and decisions that needed to be made. Any individual can relate because this is what life is all about. Challenges such as, letting go of lovers, defeating Cyclopes, fighting off angry suitors, is all dealt with in The odyssey. Also how each character moved on from a struggle that were presented to them can show you a lesson about life and it shows us how life is like a journey. Odysseus is one of the many characters that his life is like a journey. Odysseus begin a a never ending journey that take him through many obstacles, faces many challenges, meet different people, dead or alive ones, makes many stops on the way that prolong his journey but with all this, he still goes …show more content…

During this journey, this built his character, strength and beliefs. When Odysseus defeats the Cyclopes is one of the examples that will show how life is like a journey. When Odysseus was battling the Cyclops he says, “Courage-no panic, no one hangs back now! And green as it was, just as the olive stake was about to catch fir- the glow terrific yes, I dragged it from the flames, my men clustering round as some god breathed enormous courage through us all. Hoisting high that olive stake with its stabbing point, straight into the monsters eye they rammed it hard” . In this instance he had to prove to his men and to himself that he can defeat someone bigger and more powerful then him. Odysseus didn’t let this stop him, he took control of it, and he also outwitted the Cyclops by saying his name is nobody. “Nobody- that’s my name. Nobody – so my mother and father call me, all my friends” . The reason behind this was when the Cyclops was screaming in pain from a spear being stabbed by Odysseus in his eye, his

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