Lies In The Odyssey

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The utilization of lies assists Odysseus in executing the plans he creates to get revenge on the Suitors. In “Chaos, Order, and Cunning in the Odyssey,” the author mentions the lies Odysseus states and their importance throughout the rest of the epic. As Odysseus returns to Ithaca, he tells lies to Penelope, the Suitors, his loyal servants, and numerous others. Heatherington mentions how The Odyssey is “a poem so much concerned with the questions ‘Who are you? Where do you come from?’ since, if he answers wrongly, the disorders he is trying to right can only get worse, not better” (Heatherington 229). Therefore, Odysseus has to be careful with what he chooses to tell certain individuals in order to keep his identity a secret. If Odysseus says one thing wrong the Suitors could become angry …show more content…

When Eurycleia is told by Penelope to wash the beggar, she notices a scar on his leg that is strikingly similar to the one her master had before he left for war. Immediately, she recognizes Odysseus but is sworn to secrecy as to not inform anyone of his arrival home. Obeying her beloved master, Eurycleia overcomes the instinct to run to Penelope and tell her that her husband is finally home. Not only does this event show how loyal Eurycleia is to Odysseus but “The incident also prepares for the importance of Eurycleia in the coming Homilia: she is more dangerous right now than the suitors” (Scodel 6-7). Illustrating the importance of Eurycleia in the final half of the epic, she is vital to Odysseus’s plan and has the power to easily ruin it with three words: Odysseus is home. If she says those three words to any other person in Ithaca, word will spread to everyone else like wildfire. Surely, then, the Suitors will be informed of Odysseus’s presence and instantly plan to murder him before he is able to regain his

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